CDCM / Rules from 2022 CDCM from 2022, clean
CDCM from 2022, with extras
CDCM from 2022 without TCR (post-TCR volume format), with extras
CDCM from 2022 without TCR (pre-TCR volume format), with extras
CDCM from 2022, micro-model
CDCM / Rules from 2021 CDCM from 2021, clean
CDCM from 2021 with domestic TCR, clean
CDCM from 2021, with extras
CDCM from 2021, clean with HV Sub
CDCM from 2021, micro-model
CDCM from 2021 with domestic TCR, micro-model
CDCM / Rules from 2020 CDCM from 2020, clean
CDCM from 2020, with extras
CDCM from 2020, clean with HV Sub
CDCM from 2020, micro-model
CDCM from 2020 with DCP 334, micro-model
CDCM / Rules from 2018 CDCM after DCP 228, clean
CDCM after DCP 228, with 2018/2019 supplier default bung
CDCM after DCP 228, with WPD 2019/2020 fiddle
CDCM after DCP 228, with WPD 2019/2020 fiddle and bung
CDCM after DCP 228, with extras
CDCM after DCP 228, with extras and 2018/2019 supplier default bung
CDCM after DCP 228, with extras and WPD 2019/2020 fiddle
CDCM after DCP 228, with extras and WPD 2019/2020 fiddle and bung
CDCM with HV Sub after DCP 228, with extras
CDCM after DCP 228, micro-model
CDCM after DCP 228, micro-model with bung
CDCM after DCP 228, micro-model with fiddle
CDCM after DCP 228, micro-model with fiddle and bung
CDCM after DCP 228, with CTables
CDCM after DCP 228, with matrix charts
CDCM / Rules from 2017 2017 CDCM after DCP 227, clean
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, with extras
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, with table 1203
CDCM with HV Sub after DCP 227, with extras
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, micro-model
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, micro-model with new schedule 15
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, with CTables
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, for ARP
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, with matrix charts
2017 CDCM after DCP 227, showing exceeded capacity charges
CDCM / Rules from 2015 2015 CDCM after DCP 179, clean no election bung
2015 CDCM after DCP 179, clean with election bung
2015 CDCM after DCP 179, with extras, no election bung
2015 CDCM after DCP 179, with extras and election bung
CDCM with HV Sub after DCP 179, with extras
2015 CDCM after DCP 179, micro no election bung
2015 CDCM after DCP 179, micro with election bung
2015 CDCM after DCP 179, with CTables, no election bung
CDCM / Rules from 2014 2014 CDCM after DCP 163, clean no election bung
2014 CDCM after DCP 163, clean with election bung
2014 CDCM after DCP 163, with extras, no election bung
2014 CDCM after DCP 163, with extras and election bung
2014 CDCM after DCP 163, micro no election bung
2014 CDCM after DCP 163, micro with election bung
CDCM / Rules from 2013 2013 CDCM after DCP 130 and DCP 132, clean
2013 CDCM after DCP 130 and DCP 132, micro-model
2013 CDCM after DCP 130 and DCP 132, with CTables
CDCM / Rules from 2010 2010 CDCM, clean
2010 CDCM, micro-model
2010 CDCM, with CTables
CDCM / 2013 Toys/DCP 159 DCP 159 built on top of clean post-DCP 132 model
CDCM / 2013 Toys/InYearChange Model for DCP 088
Simpler approach to in-year tariff change
CDCM / 2013 Toys/NHH HH Model 100 with additional smart-ish tariffs
CDCM after DCP 130, clean
NHH capacity adjustments, dom/non-dom, voltage-level coincidence
Model 100 with smart-ish tariffs and grouped coincidence correction
NHH capacity adjustments, voltage-level coincidence
NHH capacity adjustments, no coincidence
CDCM / 2013 Toys/Old Model for DCP 130
CDCM after DCP 179 with DCP 249, clean
Cut-down model 100 (just calculates tariffs)
Cut-down model with DCP 130 and DCP 132 (just calculates tariffs)
Post-DCP 132 model that complies with paragraph 74
Model with DCP 130 and the ugly form of DCP 132
Cleaned-up model with forward links (DCP 130 and DCP 132)
CDCM / 2013 Toys/Other Model 100 with additional 132kV/HV substation tariffs
Demo model with DCP 130, DCP 132, DCP 137 and DCP 163
Demo model with DCP 130 and ugly forms of DCP 088 and DCP 132
Similar to June 2009 consultation (no Method M)
Simple tariffs and simple scaling down
Simple scaling down-only, no method M, LV cost override, with EHV
Simple scaling down, replacement costs, override 500 MW LV, no method M
CDCM / 2014 Toys/DCP 137 DCP 137 with DCP 130, DCP 132, DCP 163 and CTables
CDCM after DCP 137, micro-model
CDCM / 2014 Toys/DCP 179 DCP 179 minimum change solution with CTables
DCP 179 minimum change solution with CTables and paragraph 74
DCP 179 minimum change solution
DCP 179 minimum change with paragraph 74: scenario 1%
DCP 179 minimum change with paragraph 74: scenario 50%
DCP 179 minimum change without off-peak
DCP 179 April 2014 re-implementation of baseline DCP 130 model
DCP 179 April 2014 equalised red/amber/green
DCP 179 April 2014 impact of using red/amber/green
DCP 179 March 2014 (no coincidence factors)
DCP 179 March 2014 with DCP 123 hybrid
DCP 179 March 2014 without revenue matching
DCP 179 April 2014 option 1
DCP 179 April 2014 option 2
DCP 179 April 2014 option 3
DCP 179 April 2014 option 4
DCP 179 April 2014 option 5
DCP 179 April 2014 option 6
DCP 179 April 2014 option 7
DCP 179 March 2014 simple scaling
DCP 179 March 2014 simple scaling with replacement costs
CDCM / 2014 Toys/DCP 203 DCP 203 built on top of clean post-DCP 163 model
DCP 203 built on top of clean post-DCP 163 model with CTables
CDCM / 2014 Toys/HIDAM Use DCP 133 asset values and diversities if available
Use DCP 133 asset values but not diversities
No revenue matching (using DCP 133 data)
No revenue matching (DCP 133 asset values but not diversities)
CDCM / 2014 Toys/Other Model with pre-election bung adjustments
Experimental grouping of demand HH tariffs
Simple scaling, replacement, override 500 MW LV, no method M, DCP 132
Simple scaling, replacement, override 500 MW LV, no method M, DCP 179
Micro-model experimental
CDCM / 2014 Toys/Scaling Like model 100, but with scaling only downwards
DCP 123 hybrid with DCP 130, DCP 132 and DCP 163
DCP 123 hybrid with DCP 130, DCP 132, DCP 163 and CTables
DCP 123 hybrid with non-zero price floor
DCP 123 revenue matching option 1 (simple scaling)
DCP 123 revenue matching option 1 with DCP 130 and DCP 132
CDCM after DCP 123, micro-model
No revenue matching (pre-DCP 130)
No revenue matching (with DCP 130 and DCP 132)
No revenue matching (based on post-DCP 163)
Scaling spread uniformly on all units
Simple percentage scaling on all tariff components
Simple percentage scaling (with DCP 130 and DCP 132)
Simple percentage scaling (with DCP 163)
Simple scaling with lower replacement
Simple scaling with replacement
Simple scaling down-only, replacement
Simple scaling capped to 25%, replacement
Simple scaling down, replacement, override 500 MW LV
Simple scaling with replacement, DCP 130 and DCP 132
Simple scaling down, replacement, override 500 MW LV, DCP 130 & 132
Simple scaling, replacement, override 500 MW LV, post DCP 163
Model 100 with an allowance for replacement costs
CDCM / 2015 Toys/DCP 160 DCP 160 on top of clean model after DCP 161
DCP 160 on top of clean model after DCP 227
DCP 160 on top of model with DCP 161 and CTables
DCP 160 on top of model with DCP 227 and CTables
Implied load factors on top of clean model after DCP 161
Implied load factors on top of clean model after DCP 227
DCP 160 on top of model with DCP 227 for ARP
CDCM / 2015 Toys/DCP 227 228 CDCM without black/yellow/green
Alternative CDCM
CDCM with DCP 227
CDCM with DCP 228
CDCM after DCP 230 (4.28%)
CDCM with DCP 228 and 230
CDCM with DCP 228 and 230
Experimental CDCM variant
CDCM with DCP 227, 228 and 230
CDCM / 2015 Toys/Exceeded CDCM after DCP 161 (clean with stats)
CDCM after DCP 161 (with election bung)
Base model showing exceeded capacity charges separately
DCP 161 (adjusted) based on clean post DCP 130/132/163
DCP 161 (adjusted) based on post DCP 163 with CTables
DCP 161 (unadjusted cooked) based on clean post DCP 130/132/163
DCP 161 (unadjusted) based on clean post DCP 130/132/163
DCP 161 (unadjusted) based on post DCP 163 with CTables
DCP 161 (unadjusted) based on clean model 100
CDCM with DCP 179 and DCP 161, micro-model
CDCM with DCP 161, micro-model with bung
CDCM with DCP 161, micro-model
CDCM after DCP 161 with CTables
DCP 161 adjusted with 1 per cent exceeded
CDCM after DCP 161 with forward links
CDCM / 2015 Toys/ExtEHV CDCM 2015 EHV extension 2015
CDCM 2015 toy step 2
CDCM 2015 toy step 3
CDCM 2015 toy step 4
CDCM 2015 toy step 5
CDCM 2015 toy step 6
CDCM 2015 toy step 7
CDCM 2015 toy step 8
CDCM 2015 toy step 9
CDCM 2015 toy step 9 with more EHV tariffs
CDCM / 2016 Toys/DCP 222 DCP 222 on post-DCP 161 CDCM, clean
DCP 222 on post-DCP 227 CDCM, clean
DCP 222 on post-DCP 161 CDCM, micro-model
DCP 222 on post-DCP 227 CDCM, micro-model
DCP 222 on post-DCP 161 CDCM, with CTables
DCP 222 on post-DCP 227 CDCM, with CTables
DCP 222 on post-DCP 161 CDCM, for ARP
DCP 222 on post-DCP 227 CDCM, for ARP
CDCM / 2016 Toys/DCP 270 Draft for 2018/2019 with DCP 228 and DCP 270, clean
DCP 270 on DCP 227, with table 1203 statistics
DCP 270 on DCP 227, with CTables
DCP 270 on DCP 227, for ARP
CDCM / 2016 Toys/DCP 273 DCP 273 model after DCP 227, with CTables
DCP 273 model after DCP 227 and DCP 161, with CTables
CDCM / 2016 Toys/Experimental CDCM-EDCM experiment
CDCM / 2017 Toys/DCP 228 2017 CDCM with DCP 228, clean
CDCM after DCP 228 (clean with stats)
2018 CDCM without DCP 228, clean
2017 CDCM with DCP 228 and DCP 249, micro
CDCM after DCP 228 with CTables
CDCM / 2017 Toys/DCP 251 DCP 251 on 2018 baseline, clean
DCP 251 on 2018 baseline, with extras
DCP 251 on 2018 baseline, with CTables
CDCM / 2017 Toys/Educational 2015 CDCM educational toy
2017 CDCM educational toy after DCP 227
2018 CDCM educational toy after DCP 228
2018 CDCM educational toy: exploration of adder options
CDCM / 2017 Toys/GenADE Flexible adder on 2018 CDCM, with extras
Factor -0.5 DCP 284 on 2018 baseline, clean
Factor -0.65 DCP 284 on 2018 baseline, clean
Factor -1 DCP 284 on 2018 baseline, clean
Factor 1 DCP 284 on 2018 baseline, clean
ADE proposal (100% contribution) on 2017 baseline, with extras
DCP 283 on 2017 baseline, clean
DCP 283 (contributions only) on 2017 baseline, clean
DCP 283 (network levels only) on 2017 baseline, clean
DCP 283 and factor 0.5 generation scaling on 2017 baseline, clean
DCP 283 and factor 0.65 generation scaling on 2017 baseline, clean
DCP 283 and factor 1 generation scaling on 2017 baseline, clean
DCP 283 no contributions for generation, on clean 2018
DCP 283 no contributions for generation, on micro 2018
DCP 283 no contributions for generation, on CTables 2018
CDCM / 2017 Toys/Netting EHV-local sourcing tariffs for 2017/2018
EHV-local sourcing tariffs for 2017/2018, with DCP 161
EHV-local sourcing tariffs for 2018/2019
EHV-local sourcing tariffs for 2018/2019 with lower generation credits
EHV-local sourcing tariffs for 2017/2018, with DCP 161 and CTables
EHV-local sourcing tariffs unequalised for 2017/2018, with DCP 161
EHV-local sourcing tariffs with residual credits for 2017/2018, with DCP 161
HV-local sourcing tariffs for 2017/2018, with extras
HV-local sourcing tariffs for 2018/2019
HV-local sourcing tariffs for 2018/2019, with lower generation credits
CDCM / 2018 Toys/DCP 241 DCP 241 model after DCP 179, with CTables
DCP 241 model after DCP 227, with CTables
DCP 241 model after DCP 227 and DCP 161, with CTables
CDCM / 2018 Toys/DCP 266 DCP 266 CDCM after DCP 227, clean
DCP 266 CDCM after DCP 228, clean
DCP 266 CDCM after DCP 227, with CTables
DCP 266 CDCM after DCP 228, with CTables
DCP 266 model G (after DCP 227)
DCP 266 model G (after DCP 228)
DCP 266 model G (after DCP 228)
DCP 266 CDCM changes after DCP 228, with model G proof
CDCM / 2018 Toys/Grouping DCP 268 on post-DCP 227 model clean
DCP 268 on post-DCP 227 model with table 1203 statistics
DCP 268 on 2018 model, clean
DCP 268 on post-DCP 227 model with CTables
DCP 268 on 2018 model, with CTables
DCP 268 on ARP post-DCP 227 model