
SP Energy Networks, where are your Method M models?

This article was published on 5 January 2017 in data bulletins. It has not been updated and might not reflect the current position.

I cannot find method M models (aka LDNO discount models or price control disaggregation models) on the websites of SP Energy Networks (SPEN), here and here.

I have attempted to guess the input data to these models by piecing together some old models I had with the data in table 1037 of the CDCM models. My best efforts are available from my Method M model generation system.

But I cannot quite believe what I have had to assume for the LV Split in order to match the increase in the LDNO LV: LV user discount on 1 April 2016.

SPEN's use of system charging methodology includes Schedule 16 of DUCSA, which says:

3. In order to comply with this methodology statement when setting distribution Use of System Charges the DNO Party will populate and publish:

(a) the CDCM model version […] as issued by the Panel on […]; and

(b) the CDCM “Price Control Disaggregation” model version […] as issued by the Panel on […].

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Franck Latrémolière, 5 January 2017

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