
Data bulletins

by Franck Latrémolière

I use this page to record significant data additions to this site (including the spreadsheet model generator), and other news that I find interesting. Franck.

Data update, 19 January 2018

I have corrected the ENWL CDCM data for 2019/2020 to match the model now available from ENWL’s website (I am not sure when they changed it, probably between 22 and 31 December 2017).

Data update, 1 January 2018

DNOs' CDCM charging data for 2019/2020 are now available from the spreadsheet model generator.

I have also added experimental waterfall chart tools.

EDCM tariffs from 2013 to 2020 are available from the EDCM tariffs page.

Motoring page, December 2017

This site now has a motoring page.

Constants, conversion factors and basic statistics, 3 December 2017

This is to save me from having to constantly look up constants, conversion factors and basic statistics.

Schedule 15 DNO price control forecasts, November 2017

CDCM forecasting models incorporating November 2017 for all DNO areas are now available from the the CDCM forecast spreadsheet model generation page.

Loss adjustment factors, 19 September 2017

I have tidied up some old scripts to process loss adjustment factor data from ELEXON files. Publishable side-effects so far:

Ofgem gives details virtual private network rejection, 15 September 2017

Ofgem has finally released documents showing why it rejected a proposal by ENWL to offer the use of its network as a virtual private network: see the bottom of this whatfotheyknow.com page.

Ofgem's distribution charging team letting the team down, 2 September 2017

Ofgem's distribution charging team seems to be placing Ofgem in breach of its Freedom of Information obligations.

Clickable map of DNO areas, 2 September 2017

See the home page for the up-to-date version of this map.

Section 23 determinations, August 2017

I have updated my list of post-2005 Section 23 determinations (about distribution connections disputes) published by Ofgem.

New CDCM impact analysis workbooks, August 2017

I have started to make some experimental workbooks to analyse the impact of CDCM data or rule changes available on this site, on the experimental CDCM impact analysis resources page.

New CDCM forecasting resources, August 2017

I have tried to import data from the DNO's ARP and DCP 066A files into a form that I find easier to use.

The results are on the experimental CDCM forecasting resources page.

Prospective new distribution licence

A National Grid company has applied for a distribution licence to operate a planned subsea cable to Shetland. See my licensed distributor information sheets.

New name for Peel Electricity, July 2017

The IDNO formerly known as Peel Electricity Networks is now Leep Electricity Networks (check the date: not April 1st).

Prospective new distribution licences, June 2017

Three new entrants are seeking to become licensed IDNOs. See my licensed distributor information sheets including the sheets for Fulcrum, Murphy and Vattenfall.

DCUSA change proposal template, June 2017

I got so frustrated with the official DCUSA change proposal template that I ended up constructing my own template to collate the information needed to fill in that form.
Franck template for DCUSA change proposals June 2017 (Microsoft Word)

Overview of power flows, May 2017

Here is my overview of power flows on the main distribution systems. Experimental guesswork.

Licensed distributor information, May 2017

See my licensed distributor information sheets.

Why I don't like DCP 228, January 2017

I have put on I don't like DCP 228 a few maps showing some of the harm that Ofgem's approval of DCP 228 will be doing to distribution use of system charges from April 2018.

EDCM tariff counts, January 2017

I have added some tariff count graphs to my compilation of EDCM tariffs page.

WPD Drayton Manor EDCM tariffs, January 2017

I have written up what I thought was odd about WPD West Midlands EDCM tariffs for Drayton Manor.

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SPEN Method M models, January 2017

SP Energy Networks, where are your Method M models?

Profile 5-8 tariffs, January 2017

Volume forecast anomalies for profile class 5-8 tariffs

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DNOs' EDCM tariffs including 2018/2019, December 2016

I have made a compilation of EDCM tariffs over the years. E&OE.

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DNOs' 2018/2019 use of system charging models, December 2016

I have added DNOs' 2018/2019 input datasets (E&OE) to the spreadsheet model generation service.

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Ofgem costs, June 2015

Regulatory cost explosion statistics

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